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The Mom

Modern, Christian, working wife and mother. I have been married for less than half a decade, and it’s been an amazing journey, filled with love, joy, laughter, tears, and a Molotov cocktail of other emotions… I am blessed with a loving supportive husband and a beautiful baby girl. These two are the current protagonists (until the arrival of many more kids…lol) in the story of my life and I will not trade them for anything!


This blog is about my success and epic failures. Success comes by after a number of mistakes (failures). I take mistakes as a learning curve, helps me improve and produce better results next time. So, that’s the reason why I need to talk publicly about my success and failures, to let others learn from it. I believe a wise person learns from another person’s mistakes.


Expect these posts to be in my day-to-day language/writing style – Forget all the writing rules, I am not a professional writer…LOL…


I love to be identified by where I come from. I have unconditional love for my country, its culture and heritage. Being ‘Zimbo’ is one of the ingredients that makes me. #ProudlyZimbabwean


... Hie, My name is Abigail, and I am "That Zimbo Mom"


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