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  • Writer's pictureThat Zimbo Mom


Fear of the unknown...

Photo by on Unsplash

A few months after I gave birth, I discovered a couple of my friends were pregnant, and boy was I so excited for them. I created a WhatsApp group with them so that I could share my pregnancy and first-time motherhood experiences. We all enjoyed it, and during those almost daily question and answer moments, one, if not all them agreed that I needed to start a blog and share my stories...

I loved the idea, but it took almost a year for me to act on it. Fast forward…

Almost 2 weeks ago I created the skeleton for my blog, I knew what I wanted to be talking about, but I decided to ask some family and friends on what I should talk about you would all laugh at the ideas that came by (bless all of them) … lol, but what we all agreed on was I should talk about what I am passionate about. Which is, issues that affect women, married, single, working, stay-at-home-mums, motherhood etc… everything woman!!

I was super confident of what I wanted to do, but a small voice at the back of my head told me “You can’t do it Abie, no-one will ever read your posts, and it will all be in vain”.

I really felt like crying at that moment, because I seriously doubted everything I had thought I was able to do. As if by chance, I then came across Taffie (my friend’s post on Facebook), and I instantly remembered that she was one of the people who had told me I can do the blog. Later in the day, we had a good 30 minutes of Taffie coaching me, and boosting my self-confidence.

The result of that 30 minute conversation is this blog being active for the past 2 weeks.

Now that was fear trying to make me feel comfortable in the space that I was in. Fear tends to cripple you and gives you the self-doubt, that will make you comfortable and not move from where you are to a better place.

Comfort is the enemy of progress, and fear is the greatest enemy of success! - UNKNOWN

Fear is not only self-induced, but it can also be induced by people around you. There are so many ways we can overcome fear, and be able to achieve what we want in life. I am not a novice to fear, and will definitely never be immune to it, however, I have created my “Fear Fighting Process-flow”.

Believe in God and His Word - God gives us dreams that might seem questionable. Dreams, that are just beyond unbelievable. And we get consumed by fear, we can’t even go ahead with the plan. I meditate on God’s word, and I pray for God to give me revelation. My greatest fear experience was that of starting my blog, and motherhood.

Mark 5:36
“Jesus told him, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’”

Talk to people with like minds or share your vision- I once listened to DeVon Franklin, he was talking about how he faced a lot of negative comments from people around him, people as close as family, not because they wished bad on him, but because they didn’t share the same God given vision. Joseph shared his dreams with his family, some of whom started hating him for his dreams. Share your dreams with people who will understand them and help you achieve them instead of sitting on them. You need to talk to people who are of like minds, and who share the same vision as you if you expect to achieve your goals.

“You have a dream - a big, monumental dream that God has designed specifically for YOU to accomplish. He has given you that vision for a purpose!
But sometimes we stay in the dream stage and we don't wake up to go and do it. God didn't give you that dream just to stay in dream land - you need to get up and get to work!”- DeVon Franklin

Choose to not let fear take over- God gave us dominion over all His creatures, besides fellow human beings. God definitely did not create fear, and therefore you can command it to depart from you. It’s not easy, but we have the power and choice to not let fear and anxiety take over our lives.

2 Timothy 1:7
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Tell yourself you can do it – The last and final step is to tell yourself that you can do it. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. Believe in yourself. Accept that you will face some failures, but take them as learning curves and preparation for you to excel!!

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

I am still at the inception of my dreams, and I am confident of what will be produced.

Get out of your comfort zone, dream big and soar high!!!

Be blessed!!

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