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  • Writer's pictureThat Zimbo Mom

For My King!!

Updated: Apr 5, 2018

For My Husband... My safe place

As I celebrate your birthday, I can’t help but think of how ill-prepared we were… LOL…but hey, we are celebrating your 2nd birthday together (no you are not 2 years old)!!!   I am amazed by the plans that God has in store for us. We have shared so much and we have discovered that love is so much more than we thought it was. Love is more than just a feeling that comes and goes depending on which side of the bed I wake up on, and where my hormonal levels are at… 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is the real definition of what our love is like.   We have learnt to accept and find unity in our diversity, that being different is ok, and understanding our differences so that we grow.   I have appreciated that I shouldn’t try to make Bokani more like me, God created us different for a reason, or else I would never have learnt how to play MKX or how to eat a salad with every meal… LOL   What you and I have is not an anomaly, we have learnt to value our differences, and not to fight over them.   The past few months have been evidence of how much of a friend and true husband you have been.   You have been an overseer, authority, leader of the government of our home (lol… not national), my saviour, provider, deliverer… You have done nothing more than to promote my personal growth and that of our children (Tasha and Jayden).   You have made submission easier than what we grew up being made to think it should be, because you have been the model husband and father. I give you the respect you very much so deserve Samaita.   We are not perfect, we argue as much as we laugh. We have as many flaws as any other breathing person, but we are still on this life journey together, and you are the best travel buddy!!   Happy birthday my buddy, my flame, my joy, my partner, my shoulder, my treasure, my best friend, my confidant,   My King!!!

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